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qptech blog

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Saturday, September 16, 2006



My desktop is using my big hdd to host the operating system because my other hdd crashed (read all about it in an earlier post). So all my music and junk is on the desktop and I can't stick the drive back into the usb enclosure without killing the desktop. This makes it a bit difficult to listen to my music and stuff on my laptop. I installed an ftp server on the laptop so that I could do file transfers - this is a pain though because it requires that I transfer any files I want to access from the laptop onto the laptop's hdd. I did this for a while, but it gets old. So I installed the nfs server on my desktop - now I can mount the desktop directories on the laptop and access them as if they were local directories with read/write access. It's sweet. My transfer rates are pretty consistent at about 3 Mb/s. It should be faster, but the wireless router is a piece of crap and my link quality is only 51/94 even though the router is in the next room. I could run some cat5 to the laptop to get a better transfer rate if such is ever required. 3 Mb/s is fast enough to watch a high quality dvd rip though, so I'm fine with it.

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