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qptech blog

The companion to qpmarl blog. Here you will find all technical related posts (mostly computer and linux stuff)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Linux Lasts longer

A fresh MS Windows install (without the latest patches) can be compromized in only a few hours, while linux can withstand hacker attacks for months "right out of the box"

follow the link for the article


Five reasons not to use linux

Follow the link for a good Linux vs. Windows article.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Unix programming

Refer to my post "A little light reading" in my personal blog. I am reading Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment.

This is probably the best programming book I've ever read. It is completely changing the way I think about computer programming and logic.

This is not a book to teach C programming, it assumes that the reader is familiar with C syntax and such. It introduces the Unix Environment (with quite a steep learning curve at first). And covers every aspect of the Unix system. It might be quite a difficult read without some working knowledge of Unix.

UNIX is not just an operating system. It is a complete philosophy of software design - far superior (in my opinion) to any other.

UNIX code is highly portable across many different hardware architectures and OS implimentations. It supports heavy code re-use through dynamic linking. It supports very efficient inter-process communication and process spawning. It is intuitive and uncluttered

UNIX is the future.

Monday, August 01, 2005



Follow the link to the madman, "the one music manager to rule them all"

I haven't tried it yet, but Intend to. It looks pretty good.